Loads B. subtilis contact counts.
counts: an (n, n) ndarray corresponding to the raw contact counts for B. subtilis
nbins: (l, ) ndarray containing the number of bins of all chromosomes.
loading the data
>>> from circhic import datasets
>>> data = datasets.load_bsubtilis()
>>> print(data)
{'counts': array([[ 62., 469., 457., ..., 382., 701., 2311.],
[ 469., 4908., 1245., ..., 362., 642., 1227.],
[ 457., 1245., 5940., ..., 487., 753., 1180.],
[ 382., 362., 487., ..., 2740., 1496., 1210.],
[ 701., 642., 753., ..., 1496., 3778., 2406.],
[2311., 1227., 1180., ..., 1210., 2406., 5244.]]),
'nbins': array([412])}