
Small example showcasing how to plot a vertical or horizontal colorbar.

from iced.normalization import ICE_normalization

from circhic import datasets
from circhic._base import CircHiCFigure

# Load the data, compute the cumulative raw counts.
data = datasets.load_ecoli()
counts = data["counts"]
lengths = data["nbins"]

# Normale the data using ICE, and keep the biases
counts, bias = ICE_normalization(counts, output_bias=True)

A simple vertical colorbar

circhicfig = CircHiCFigure(lengths)
im, ax = circhicfig.plot_hic(counts)
cab = circhicfig.set_colorbar(im)
cab.set_label("Normalized contact counts", fontweight="bold")
plot colorbar

A simple horizontal colorbar

circhicfig = CircHiCFigure(lengths)
im, ax = circhicfig.plot_hic(counts, cmap="bone_r")
cab = circhicfig.set_colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal")
cab.set_label("Normalized contact counts", fontweight="bold")
plot colorbar

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.446 seconds)

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