Generate circular Strip Data
Input data matrix to circularize with size (N, N)
granularityarity of display: the size of the output matrix is (Nc, Nc) where Nc=N/granularity; the smaller, the neater but also the longer
Inner radius of the strip, supposing that the outer radius is equal to 1
resolution of data (in bp)
Genomic distance corresponding to the inner circle. By default, will be the maximum genomic distance when mode is “reflect”, and 0 if the mode is “distant”.
Genomic distance corresponding to the outer circle. By default, will be the maximum genomic distance.
if mode is “reflect”, the data will be ‘reflected’ around a genomic distance of 0, thus ranging from inner_gdis to 0 to outer_gdis. This equivalent to plotting both upper and lower triangular matrices of the original Hi-C contact count matrix.
if mode is “distant”, the data will be plotted from inner_gdis to outer_gdis.
Genomic position at the vertical top. Only used if chromosome_type is “circular”.
‘circular’: circular chromosome, default ‘linear’: linear chromosome
fraction of strip filled by linear chromosome
rotation angle (in degree) of the chromosome (the linear chromosome is symmetric with respect to the vertical axis by default)